Increasing the exposure of your business may be done in various ways. Getting your business or company name in front of the public in print or online is not difficult and there are marketing businesses that specialize in this type of promotion. When there is a storefront, another type of promotion can be brought into the marketing plan. The use of signs is a tool that provides extensive exposure at a relatively low cost.

Identification of your business name, brand or logo on the outside of your building is a good place to place a sign. Some communities have rules about size, color and size of the label, so it’s wise to check with the local authorities about regulations. Consideration should be given to color and style of the sign. Painting directly on the building surface or attaching a separate unit are two major options.

Free-standing units have several advantages. They can be moved to catch the attention of cars traveling past, or to help direct foot traffic into the store premises. When the store is not open, the unit might be placed indoors. They are produced in various sizes and shapes. They help to promote branding, or can be used to focus attention on a big sale or special product offering.

The labeling for your storefront or business can be two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The size of the unit should be proportional to the amount of building surface. A three-dimensional sign adds interest and catches the eye better than flat ones.

Solid products are available, as well as banner types. Printing on many different surfaces is easily done with today’s processing methods. You might select paper, wood, metal, plastics or glass. Light weight materials are easy to hang or to move around. Signage can be temporary such as at a trade show, or permanent. There are many different colors and font designs which can be used to call attention to your brand.

Lighted units can be made to suit displays indoors, in a window, or outdoors. The lighting can serve to highlight lettering on a larger unit. It can also be formed into lettering or symbols itself. Glowing letters of light are popular in many applications.

Signage on vehicles can be handled in several ways, delivery or freight transport trucks and trailers often want the company name and/or logo painted or placed on the truck. These units are often made of metal, so the signage must be compatible with metal surfaces. Other typical materials include fiberglass or plastics. Mobile advertising of this type has very high visibility with more people than stationary signage can reach.

When choosing the right sign products for your business, keep elements such as colors and size in mind. The style of the lettering is also a variable that needs to be considered. Use products that will not show fading or wear in the environment where they will be placed. This advice is true both of the lettering and the base surface on which the signage will be place.