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Traffic Signs

How important are traffic signs in Regina? Perhaps more than you think. Traffic signs ensure that the roads and highways are safe for everyone who travels on it—from truck fleets, mid-sized car drivers down to the pedestrians. Thus, it is essential to relay information about the road as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Traffic signs tell about the road conditions in a glance so you can have enough time to slow down or speed up as the settings require.

Standard shapes and colors are used to convey warnings. Take a look at some of the most basic signs you will see on the road:

Regulatory signs.

These designated signs indicate the laws you must comply to while on the road. Except for the stop and other similar signs in red and white, regulatory signs are mostly rectangular in shape, with black prints written on a white background.

Warning signs.

Often designed in yellow, these symbols are made to call attention to dangerous conditions on or near the highway. It subtly warns the driver to watch out for possible hazards.

Advisory signs.

Indicating the speed allotted for a particular road, these signs can also represent distances which inform the driver about the distance they must prepare for dangers ahead.

Stock signs.

These signs tell you to slow down to avoid hitting animals crossing the road. Blatant disregard of the sign will cause one to pay a fine.

Motorway signs.

These offer details regarding the start and end of a highway; showing you proper entrance and exit from the road you are tracking.

Construction signs.

Meant to alert you about the construction ahead, these signs tell you to slow down and prepare for any changes in the normal traffic flow.

Service signs.

Often in white and blue, these signs inform you about nearby facilities, including food, gas, lodging and sanitary stations.
But other than safety on the road, traffic signs Regina are crucial for every business too. Workplaces are required to remain compliant with local regulations by posting safety information. If you are an owner of a consultation office or a large fleet of logistics, a traffic sign improves your property by alerting your staff and clients about areas that need caution. For example, pedestrians find the proper junction wherein they should cross. One-way signs keep the road’s traffic flowing in the right direction. Those who are disabled can find the right facilities for them with a wheelchair signage.

A change in the speed limit or a construction overhead can affect your daily clientele. Warning them at a distance provides enough time for them to decide on how to proceed. School zones are protected, and designated parking lots can be easily found with a legible signage. These and other safety traffic signs can help you prevent road hazards and keep your property safe from lawsuits.

Unlike branded signs, traffic signs Regina do not advertise your business directly. However, it can be useful to create a good impression to your customers, as well as the community. These signs help make a safer place for the public. Important information, such as directions, detours and facilities are beneficial to drivers and pedestrians as well.

Who should use traffic signs Regina? Discover some of the business niches which will benefit from using a road sign:

  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Subdivisions
  • Apartment complex
  • Shopping centers
  • Malls
  • Government centers
  • Museums
  • Theaters
  • Restaurants
  • Transport hubs
  • Recreational facilities
  • Spas
  • Gyms

Here at Sign Co, we devote ourselves to providing you with the best traffic signs Regina for your business. Backed by our 25 years of experience, we can help you provide a safer place for your employees to work in. Our signs conform to the requirements in Regina, helping inform the public about your company. From indicating distance on a major highway, to setting up small signs by the gate, we can help you install the right traffic sign that fits your brand.
Traffic signs don’t have to be boring; we can customize your signs to coordinate with the look of your building. Consult our professionals for the materials, colors and message you want to display. For a single signage, one option is to mount it upright on the road. Alternatively, you can convey different warnings in a single sign.
Having non-compliant warnings in required areas will result in penalties. Avoid the hazards of accidents and lawsuits by following safety rules. Talk to a Sign Co expert today; we make custom, compliant traffic signs for every industry. Our team of experts will help you find the right signs for your business. Using our automated grade painting and other high-end techniques, we offer you a range of excellent signage which you can use for a long time.
Get peace of mind knowing that your business dutifully observes to the community’s standards. Use this chance to create a good impression for your brand. Talk to us today and discover how you can set up your own custom traffic signs Regina.